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Need a Custom Dock Stanchion? Contact M.J. Nester

Yellow dock stanchion about to be installed

Our in-house services accommodate a variety of requests. These can range from basic jobs, such as repairs or cleaning, to more complex situations, such as part creation or full-on plant relocation. With our team, we can guarantee high effort and adaptability for your project.

With the mention of part creation, we wanted to highlight a recent procedure that made use of computer-aided drawing (CAD) software to produce a custom dock stanchion.

Computer-aided Drawing Project

At our location in Pottstown, our shop foreman was able to begin production by designing the piece in CAD software. The main focus of these types of software are to support the user when creating, modifying, analyzing, or optimizing a design piece. These are used in multiple industries, including equipment manufacturing, dental, architecture, and many more! They offer valuable support for defining parameters and minimizing potential error once the design blueprint is finalized. For a dock stanchion, there are crucial elements that must be correct.

The dock stanchion is primarily used during loading or unloading of heavy equipment or other items onto trucks. The main purpose will be to hold the controller, a hydraulic pump, and mounted lights during the moving process. During earlier stages of the project, we only started out with black pipe and plate metal. Utilizing our CNC Plasma Cutter, we cut the plate metal and broke it to shape the proper form needed for the piece. For more information about the part creation process, feel free to get in touch with us through our contact page!

Depending on the size and scope of the items, a custom dock stanchion can be made in different magnitudes. The CAD software will allow our team to achieve better results more efficiently. Since this scenario will change over time, this will result in a series of blogs, which we hope you tune in for! Throughout 2023, you’ll be able to see how they grow and change.

If you’re interested in working with us, review our industrial services page to see what you need. Our team will be glad to assist you!

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